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Men's Prostata Tea Luxury Bioherba 120g
Herbal Tea for Prostate, Kidneys and Urinary Tract with 18 herbs
Code: 2206
Bioherba Men's Prostata Tea Luxury 120g
Code: 22066
3 x Bioherba Men's Prostata Tea Luxury 120g
Men's Prostata Tea Luxury
Manufacturer: Bioherba, Bulgaria
Packaging: 120 g
Species Antiprostatitis
Rad. Inulae (inula root)
Rad. Althaeae (rose mallow root)
Rad. Valerianae (valerian root)
Strob. Lupuli (hop clusters)
Hb. Solidaginis (goldenrod stem)
Hb. Thymi serpyili (thyme stem)
Hb. Asperulae odoratae (woodruff stem)
Fol. Uvae-ursi (bearberry leaf)
Sem. Lini (flax seeds)
Sem. Cannabis (hemp seeds)
Slip. Cerasorum (cherries handles)
Hb. Visci albi (white mistletoe stem)
Rad. Rhei (rhubarb root)
Rad. Ononidis (harrow root)
Hb. Linariae (yellow toadflax stem)
Fol. Coryli (branched bur leaf)
Rhiz. Graminis (bermudagrass rhizome)
Sem. Cucumis (melon seeds)
Indications: Applied in chronic diseases of the prostate, kidneys and urinary tract.
Has antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
Directions: Brew two tablespoons of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water. After cooling drink the tea three times a day 20 min before meals.
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