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INCENSE "Mantram" is well suited to the practice of yoga and meditation
Code: 2214 1.75
Satya Mantram 15g
Code: 22144 16.50
12 x Satya Mantram 15g
Natural Aromatic sticks MANTRAM THE HOLY NAME of a series of Satya Sai Baba with cinnamon and eucalyptus stimulate brain activity, promote relaxation and tone the body. Translated from the ancient Indian "mantra" means "the rapture of the mind", going beyond our own consciousness and comprehension of the divine absolute.

Incense "Mantram" have a little bold aroma of spices, complemented by the sweetness of citrus and eucalyptus freshness. They go perfectly with relaxation procedures - warm bath, yoga and meditation.

This popular fragrance is well suited for flavoring rooms, and its flavor's combination is ideal to prepare for important events: examinations, interviews. Eucalyptus helps to concentrate, it improves blood circulation in the brain cells. The smell of cinnamon simultaneously relaxes and helps to gather. The aroma of citrus tones and sets up for success.

How to use: To enjoy a pleasant smell, light the tip of fragrant sticks, let it flare up and then blow out the flame. Place the wand in a special stand, where it will fester, exuding fragrance.

One stick weighs about 1 g and can be illuminated for 45 minutes.

Manufacturer: Shrinivas Sugandhalaya, India

Net weight: 15g

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