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Fitokardin Fortex

A positive effect on the heart muscle and reduces feelings of fatigue and overload.
Code: 3427 8.90
Fortex Fitokardin caps N30

Manufacturer: Fortex Nutraceuticals, Bulgaria

Packaging: 30 capsules.

Phytocardin is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, post-infarction conditions, heart rhythm disturbances, and for the prevention of atherosclerosis. An optimal combination of three substances that have proven their beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system: hawthorn leaf and flower extract, coenzyme Q10 and magnesium.

Phytocardin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and reduces subjective feelings of fatigue and overload.


• Improves the functioning of the heart muscle;

• Increases the strength of heart contractions;

• Increases the flow of oxygen;

• Helps the heart pump more blood;

• Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;

• Reduces the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;

• Has an antioxidant effect;

• Reduces blood pressure.

Hawthorn is especially suitable for older people with weak hearts. This plant is very effective in cases of heart disease, where symptoms occur mainly after physical overload. Hawthorn increases cardiac contractility and has a regulating effect on heart rate and blood pressure.

Preparations with hawthorn extract are recommended to be taken for a long time, since the effect is not immediate.

The advantage of hawthorn is that its long-term use does not develop an addictive effect, i.e. there is no need to continually increase the dose to achieve the herb's initial effect.

Hawthorn is widely used for functional disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system. It normalizes heart rhythm, improves coronary circulation, and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the myocardium.

Coenzyme Q10

• Improves the functions of the immune system;

• Slows down the process of cell aging;

• Acts as a catalyst that accelerates and regulates biochemical and energy processes;

• Is a source of energy for the cells of the body.

It is known that the concentration of CoQ10 is high in cardiac muscle cells due to the high energy requirement of this cell type. In recent years, most research on CoQ10 has focused on heart disease.

Magnesium is responsible for activating more than 300 different biochemical reactions that are essential for the functioning of the body.

Higher levels of magnesium in the blood have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve endurance.

Magnesium acts as a vasodilator and helps lower blood pressure.

Composition (one capsule): 100 mg of dry hawthorn extract, 10 mg of coenzyme Q10, 100 mg of magnesium hydroxide, corresponding to 41 mg (Mg); excipients: magnesium stearate, aerosil.

How to use: 1 capsule per day. It is advisable not to exceed the indicated daily dose.

This product is not a substitute for a complete and balanced diet.

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